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Spring Election Candidates

Source: Canva

Spring Election Candidates

Election candidates running in Wisconsin Rapids and surrounding races were offered to come on The Morning Show on WFHR.

April 1, 2024 3:26 PM CDT

By: Melissa Kaye

Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. (WFHR, WIRI) – Spring election candidates interviewed with James Malouf during the Morning Show on WFHR over the past several weeks. Below you can find each candidate who was able to appear on our show either in person or by phone. You can follow the link to each show or listen to just their interview included in this article. We reached out to candidates running for Wisconsin Rapids Alderperson, District 4 and 8. Wisconsin Rapids School Board candidates. Wisconsin Rapids Mayoral candidates. Nekoosa Mayoral candidates. Port Edwards Village Trustee candidates, and the Town of Saratoga Supervisor candidates.

Wisconsin Rapids Alderperson District 4

Tom Rayome is the election candidate for District 4. He interviewed on March 21st.

Tom Rayome

Jeff Penzkover is also running for District 4. He interviewed on March 25th.

Jeff Penzkoyer

Wisconsin Rapids Alderperson District 8

Madalyn Palmquist is an election candidate for District 8. She interviewed on March 14th.

Madalyn Palmquist

Jamie Sparkes is another candidate for District 8. He interviewed on April 1st.

Jamie Sparkes

Wisconsin Rapids Candidate for Mayor

Tom Terry Mews is an election candidate running for Wisconsin Rapids Mayor. He interviewed on March 11th.

Tom Terry Mews

Matt Zacher is also running for the position of Mayor in Wisconsin Rapids. He interviewed on March 13th.

Matt Zacher

Wisconsin Rapids School Board Candidates

Christopher Inda is running for the Wisconsin Rapids School Board. He interviewed on March 11th.

Christopher Inda

Katie Bielski-Medina is also an election candidate for Wisconsin Rapids School Board. She interviewed on March 12th.

Katie Bielski-Media

Craig Manka is running for Wisconsin Rapids School Board. He interviewed on March 18th.

Craig Manka

Elizabeth St. Meyers is also an election candidate for Wisconsin Rapids School Board. She interviewed on March 20th.

Elizabeth St. Meyers

John Benbow is running for Wisconsin Rapids School Board. He interviewed on March 22nd.

Nekoosa Mayoral Candidates

Alan Marcoux is running for the position of Mayor of Nekoosa. He interviewed on March 14th.

Alan Marcoux

Daniel Carlson is the incumbent running for the position of Mayor in Nekoosa. He interviewed by phone on March 21st.

Election candidates running for Port Edwards Village Trustee

Lonn Radtke is a Port Edwards Village Trustee candidate. He interviewed on March 15th.

Lonn Radtke

Erik Saylor is also running for Port Edwards Village Trustee. He interviewed on March 20th.

Erik Saylor

Rick Hess will also be on the ballot for Port Edwards Village Trustee. He did not respond to our request for an interview. The other candidate, Eric Hummel, has stepped aside from the race.

Town of Saratoga Board Supervisor

Roger Wilcox is running for Town of Saratoga Board Supervisor. He interviewed on March 19th.

Roger Wilcox

Joshua McDonald is another election candidate running for the Town of Saratoga Board Supervisor position. He interviewed on March 19th.

Karl Greeneway is the final candidate running for the Town of Saratoga Board Supervisor position. He declined our request for an interview.

The League of Women Voters also of the Wisconsin Rapids Area asked candidates that have a challenger in local races to complete a brief questionnaire. It is hoped that the answers will help inform your decision as a voter in the upcoming April 2nd election. You can find those questions and answers here.

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