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The Week That Was!

The Week That Was!



Another fun week in the books, thanks for listening! Here’s some of the highlights.

  1. A lot of great music!
  2. A guy in Georgia was arrested have spending an hour in an auto parts store barking like a dog. (They waited an HOUR before calling the police?)
  3. Talker Research says that America’s favorite all-time movie is Forest Gump. (we’ll have to agree to disagree on that)
  4. 25 percent of people say they would breakup if they didn’t get a “good enough” Valentine’s day gift.
  5. Domino’s offered a perfume that smells like pepperoni pizza.
  6. Some dude in Florida gave a 10 dollar bill to a store clerk and then tried to rob the store, the clerk ran into a backroom and called police, the robber ran off, leaving his 10 dollar bill on the counter. Police have his face on camera.

Have a great weekend!
